It can be difficult to find and maintain your motivation to workout. Trust me; I know! Recently, I have been able to find my motivation, so I thought I would share some motivational tips.
There is no one way to be motivated to work out. Motivational inspiration that works for one person may not work for another. You should give your self the opportunity to try various motivational tools. In addition, give yourself the permission to fail and still search for success.
Motivational Tools for a Consistent Workout Routine
Be Patient
Transforming your body will not happen overnight. There is no quick fix. The only way to achieve success is with consistent hard work.
You have to be patient with yourself. Your workout routine is a daily challenge but your success is measured over time. Remind yourself of that each day!
Change your Mindset
Many people start living a healthy lifestyle to achieve a goal; loose weight, have better physical health, get stronger, etc. Once they achieve that goal, or get close, they go back to their old lifestyle.
When you think of your workout routine as a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix to an issue, you make the decision to be successful.
Baby Steps
Start small. If you don’t work out at all, start by walking. For example, if you walk every day, take another baby step and try running for a minute. Once you can run for a minute, try two.
If you are just starting at the gym, try one or two exercises. Eventually add another and another. Don’t compare yourself to what others can do. Their journey is their’s, while yours is yours. The only person you should compare yourself to is your former self.
Try Different Workouts
Find a workout that works for you. There are so many options from cardio and circuit training, to tabata and yoga or gym and home workouts. Some workouts you will love and others you will not. But you won’t know until you try.
When you find something you like, do it for a while, but then try something else. You can always go back it. Recently, I have tried all of the following ways to workout; dance classes, boxing, gym training, yoga, beach body; and that’s just the last few years!
Just Do It!
It’s not just a slogan anymore…
There are many mornings that I wake up at 5am to workout and think, ‘I don’t have the energy today.’ I roll out of bed anyway and head to the gym. Once I’m there, if I’m still feeling sluggish, I just modify my workout and do a lighter workout. The way I look at it; something is better than nothing.
I recall a morning where I had not slept well the night before. I went to bed too late and woke up every 2-hours. When my alarm went off for the gym, I almost ignored it…but I didn’t. I showed up to the gym with the thought of having a lighter workout. But once I started, I got a burst of energy and had one of the best workout that I’ve ever had.
So you never know…

Plan Ahead
Create a schedule and stick to it. Create a weekly schedule if you need a more flexible schedule, or for the month. It doesn’t matter if you schedule 20 minutes or an hour. Just schedule it!
Without a schedule, it’s too easy to not workout at all. It also has to be specific. Don’t just commit to working out 3 days a week. Commit to working out on 3 specific days at specific time. This will help hold you accountable. If you miss a day and need to reschedule, no big deal, but this will help you meet your goal.
Look and Feel Good
Looking good and feeling good go hand-in-hand, even when you are working out. Wearing clothes that make me feel good motivates me to workout even more.
My favorite workout clothing line is Fabletics. Almost every pair of workout pants and athletic bras that I own are Fabletics. Not only are they a quality garment, they fit well and the price point is perfect.
If you want to try Fabletics, you can get your first 2 leggings for $24!

Create a Killer Playlist
Everyones playlist is going to be different…as it should be. Choose music that motivates you to work harder during your workout or motivates you to make it to the end of your work out.
Right now, my playlist consists of music that pumps me up, music that motivates me, music that my teenagers like and my old school music. Your picks can be whatever you like…and than switch it up when you’re bored.
Find a Tribe
It’s important to find a group of people that identify with your goals. Whether you work out 1 day a week or 7 days a week, a tribe that supports each other is key!
Your tribe can be friends, other fitness people who have met at classes or the gym, or complete strangers on Facebook or Instagram that are willing to support each other!
If you are interested in joining a tribe that supports, encourages and help you be accountable, email me at I’ll hook you up!
It’s not About the Scale
We have been programmed to use the scale to measure success. But the reality is, is that there are many way to measure success. Instead, celebrate when:
- you make it to all your scheduled workout dates in a week
- measure by how you feel, inside and out
- are your clothes fitting a little more comfortably? WIN!
- when you have more energy or don’t get tired as quickly
- change up your routine to challenge yourself
Make sure you celebrate these victories and don’t just celebrate when the number on the scale goes down.
Are you ready yet? It’s time to get started! You Can Do It!

July 8, 2020What a great list of motivation blogs. I always like seeing everyone’s different style of blogging!
July 7, 2020Such great ideas for getting started and keeping on! As a busy mom, I have so much trouble finding time, but I loved your idea to add 1 minute of running, then 2, to a daily walk. Sounds doable. Thanks!
July 7, 2020I needed to hear this! I definitely need to find my motivation to find time to workout everyday! It is so hard with a toddler lol
July 7, 2020This has definitely motivated me to get up and try again. I always start working out and fall off by week 2. I will try to start off light and work my way up this time instead of just jumping into a difficult workout immediately.
July 6, 2020These are so true. I’ve found that more than ever during this pandemic, I have to have a plan to get my physical exercise in! And, I need a tribe. Since we’re still pretty much in isolation here, my family is my tribe! We do an outdoor bike ride or walk every morning. Having that consistency of the plan, a tribe of people who do it with me, and a way to get out some of that pent up anxiety, has seriously helped me cope during this time!
July 6, 2020These are some great tips that I definitely needed to hear. It’s so easy to just give up. But hopefully with these tips I can keep at it!
Emily Ackerman
July 6, 2020I do get sstuck in a rut of doing the same things over and over. I need to change it up. Thanks!
Sabrina DeWalt
July 6, 2020Great tips on getting and staying motivated. Sometimes the sheer effort to go work out seems overwhelming. I have discovered that I can put on YouTube, find a concert I love and dance my heart out for 30 minutes. It takes minimal effort and I really enjoy it, so more days than not I am able to move.
Cindy Mailhot
July 6, 2020Funny I am reading this right after my husband and I had a conversation that we are overeating, gaining weight, and doing less with this COVID situation. Needing to get motivated.
July 6, 2020Completely agree with all of this – I was so happy I established an at-home routine ASAP when I came home mid-March and our gym closed. “Just do it” is the best advice – I can’t overthink a workout or else I may talk myself out of it!
July 6, 2020This is a great piece and very informative! Will definitely use these tips!